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Lusine Saakyan paintings

Artists’ creativity
works in mysterious and
paradoxical ways

Creative thinking is a stable defining characteristic in some personalities but it may change based on situation and context. My inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when needed. Creative thinking requires emotional outbursts, imaginative journey, and distinct from the thinking process and I embrace it wholeheartedly.

I Find Art
Incredibly healing

My name is Lusine Saakyan, I have a degree in Child Development, I am an artist and a mother of two. 
I believe art is an essential part of our lives. Creative minds bring out beauty and balance into our day. Many forms of art speak to us in ways we can relate to and have the ability to transform our mood. Having a small portion of our day dedicated to making, listening, reading, or viewing art gives us positive energy.

Painting, creating, and discovering ways to express myself presented me with vibrant energy to deal with everything else that was taking place around me. What started as a hobby turned into much more. 
My artworks apparently turned out to be the opposite reflection of the turmoils and emotional rollercoasters 
of what I was experiencing in my personal life.

I organized my first solo art exhibition in February of 2015 with 37 unique original pieces and sold 8 of my artworks that first evening. Since then I held other solo exhibitions, accepted commissioned work, sold to private collectors, participated in multiple group shows, contributed my artworks to fundraisers and gave out 
as donations for worthy causes.

Lusine Saakyan

My last exhibitions

Glenmark Hotel, CA
November 4TH - 6TH; 2022

Collection is decorative, abstracted & stylized in nature. Stylization depicts objects without a full attempt and accurate representation or realistic appearance. Complexity and yet simplification in shape, lines, color, pattern, surface detail, functionality and relationship to objects is what I embrace in my paintings. I mean to engage viewers’ tactile imagination with impasto technique and use of fabric and wood as mediums. In this collection I found inspiration from nature, my imagination, objects taken from my culture, aroused emotions and appreciation for creativity. I freely and without concern wanted to exhibit my fragmented, creative expressions and have the viewer interpret each body of work, its physical layouts, patterns and the composition to tell a story, my creative interpretation’ story.

My CLIENT testimonials

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Lana Vlasova

I fell in love with Lusine’s art first time I saw her paintings. She literally touched my heart with her strokes. I loved the motifs, het color palette, the vibe – everything. The commission painting she made for me came out exactly how I envisioned it – bright, deep, captivating. Thank you Lusine for making this world a more beautiful place to live in!


I like the contrast and blobs of color on the canvas. Color provokes psychic vibration. Color hides a power still unknown but real. In one of Lusine’s pieces the colors of flowers carry positive vibes and transfers it to the audience.

Rafi Gevorkian

Very impressed by Lusine’s unique art with her vibrant colors and great sense of imagination. Keep up the good work, looking forward to see your new additions.

Eliza Dzhaneryan

Lusine’s paintings trigger a sense of joyful energy. Her choice of color is superb and sub-concisely moves the audience into a happier world.

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